Hallelujah !! We’re starting to prepare for the 2020/21 NHH season =)

Hunting is just around the corn and we’re excited to watch our hounds, young, prime and old get back into hunting shape.

This past Thursday a group of enthusiastic riders, young (Layla, Cole, Harper, Bray and Katniss), prime (Huntsman Dave, Bre , Jamie and Jubilee) and old (me) took the hounds on a short ride south of the kennels. The day started off so cool and beautiful and by the time we were mounted and riding, it was blistering hot and humid. We still had a fun time and by the time we were done eating, it was cooling off and we enjoyed a beautiful evening.



Labor Day weekend in Burwell September 5-6-7. Country work and cubbing. Flyer coming soon. Bredana@hotmail.com to RSVP

Safe Rider Program:

Thursday, Sept 3 The Farm at Butterflat Creek 6:00 pm

Thursday, Sept 10 Quail Run

Thursday, Sept 17 Skyline Ranches

Thursday, Sept 24 Quail Run


Picture Credit: Bre Kruger